Wind turbine

Wind energy

The importance of wind energy on the world

Wind energy is one of the fastest growing and cleanest energies on the market. This is mostly in part due to the fact that most of the world has strong wind speeds to support these turbines, but offshore turbines are the most effective as winds on the ocean are more measureable than on land.

Wind energy accounts for 16% of the worlds renewable energy. This stat alone shows the interest in wind energy across the globe and how it is currently being utilized.

Wind energy is going to be the key to getting companies away from fossil fuels, this in turn will provide our earth with cleaner more consistent streams of energy. In the long run this will benefit everyone and every living thing on the globe.

The amount of energy produced from a single turbine is dependant on the size of the turbines, the bigger they are the more energy that can be produced.

Facts about wind Energy